When developing applications with Flutter and Dart, there are a lot of commands that we need to run on the command line. Some of them are short, but some of them are really long.
At this point, @demirdevv wrote some command line aliases especially for Flutter development in order to improve workflow and increase efficiency, started using them and shared them on Github.
Aliases allow us to assign commands to customized very short keywords. They are especially effective when used for long commands.
Today I wanted to contribute to the repository, improving the descriptions and readme and adding a few more aliases.
You can add and start using the aliases in this repo, which consists of a single file except for the readme. As you can see below, the aliases and the commands they correspond to and what they do are written in the descriptions:
# working directory is root directory of your current project
# if you are using fvm your flutter path will be like: .fvm/flutter_sdk/bin/flutter
# if you are not using fvm, your flutter path will be like: /Users/mehmet/Developer/flutter/bin/flutter
# How to Install
# 1. download this file into your home folder
# 2. add the below line to the end of your shell rc file which is located at your user's home folder. (if you're using bash shell the config file is .bashrc, for zsh shell it is .zshrc)
# source $HOME/flutter_aliases.sh
# When you add above command to your shell config file don't forget to remove hash to uncomment it
# flutter
alias f='.fvm/flutter_sdk/bin/flutter'
alias flutter='f'
# flutter clean
alias fc='flutter clean'
# flutter pub get
alias fpg='flutter pub get'
# open assets
alias fas=' open assets'
# open android res directory
alias fandres='open android/app/src/main/res'
# build app bundle and then open containing folder right away
alias fbb='flutter build appbundle && open build/app/outputs/bundle/release/'
# build apk and then open containing folder right way
alias fba='flutter build apk && open build/app/outputs/flutter-apk/'
# build ipa and then open it with xcode
alias fbi='flutter build ipa && open build/ios/archive/Runner.xcarchive'
# flutter build runner
alias fbr='flutter packages pub run build_runner build'
# flutter build runner with the option to delete conflicting outputs
alias fbrd='flutter packages pub run build_runner build --delete-conflicting-outputs'
If you have heard of aliases for the first time, you can install/add them as we explained in the repo after a short research.
Of course many more aliases can be added. You can also contribute to the repo with your suggestions. We are waiting for your PRs!
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See you in another article. 👋